Operating Systems: Revision Notes (COMP2432, PolyU, 2018)
Apr 30, 2018
Course Notes
The revision notes for final exam of the university course of Operating Systems.
- Operating System: a program
- I/O processing:
- synchronous I/O
- wait & notified
- At most one I/O request is outstanding at a time
- asynchronous I/O
- I/O and program running at the same time
- There could be several I/O request at a time
- device-status table: for each I/O device
- Interrupt:
- Definition: A signal to CPU to tell it about the occurrence of a major event.
- Types:
- According to priority:
- Maskable interrupt: may be ignored or handled later (wait)
- Non-maskable interrupt: must be handled immediately
- coule be over-interrupted by others (caused "nested interrupts")
- According to causes:
- Program interrupt (trap)
- caused by CPU error (e.g. illegal instruction, overflow, devision by zero, memory access violation) or special instruction
- I/O interrupt
- caused by I/O related events (e.g. I/O completion, device errors)
- Timer (watchdog timer) interrupt
- caused by hardware timer
- to handle time-related events
- to prevent infinite loop and resources hogging by processes for OS by setting up an "alarm"
- plays a central role in process scheduling and resource management in Unix.
- ISR: interrupt service routine (or interrupt handler)
- a program to handle interrupt
- stored in "interrupt table" with an index to identify
- When interrupt, corresponding ISR will be run
- Program interrupts implementation by OS
- (almost all) OS: interrupt-driven
- allow OS to gain control of the system when necessary
- Privileged commands: special interrupt-related commands (execution should be prevented from users)
- Dual-mode operation:
- User mode (1): Only normal instructions available but not privileged instructions
- Kernel mode (System mode / Privileged mode / Supervisor mode) (0): all instructions available
- Mode bit: To distinguish them on hardware
- System call (or monitor call): for a user process to do I/O that needs to execute privileged instructions.
- A program interrupt (trap) that
- changes from user mode to kernel mode,
- executes the privileged I/O command,
- returns from system call, and
- reverts back to user mode to continue execution
- an API to execute system functions by user programs
- API: Application Program Interface
- System call table / system call routines with indexes (just like interrupt)
- Types of SC:
- Process control
- File management
- Device management
- Information maintenance
- Communications
- Parameter passing:
- Three general method:
- Register (on CPU)
- Table (as a block on memory)
- pass the address of block as a parameter in a register
- Stack (on stack of the program)
- Types of System Programs:
- File management
- File modification
- Status information
- Programming language support
- Program loading and execution
- Communications
- Utilities
- Types of OS
- Batch processing
- Multiprogramming
- Time-sharing
- Real-time
- Distributed
- OS paradigms:
- Simple OS: MS-DOS
- Layered OS: Unix and Linux
- Advantages:
- Reliability
- Security
- Speed
- Cost
- Open source
- Structure: 2 layers
- Kernel (key Unix core)
- System programs
- Microkernel System:
- Microkernel approach: move as many as possible of system programs from the kernel into user space to become user programs.
- Advantages:
- Easier to extend
- Easier to port OS to new architecture / hardware
- More reliable
- More secure
- Modular OS: Solaris
- Virtual machine (NOT COVERED)
- Process
- Definition: a program in execution.
- Components in memory: (NOT COVERED)
- Value of program counter
- Value of registers and processor status word
- Stack for temporary variables
- Text for program code
- Data section for global variables
- Heap for dynamic storage of variables (those created using malloc)
- Types: (NOT COVERED)
- I/O-bound
- time: I/O > computation
- device contention: competition to access I/O devices
- Lower is better
- CPU-bound
- time: computation > I/O
- CPU utilization: % of time that CPU is used
- Higher is better
- transferrable, not binary
- States: condition of a process
- new
- ready: waiting to be assigned to CPU for execution (in ready queue)
- running
- waiting: waiting for:
- I/O event
- child process execution
- a certain interrupt
- terminated
- Process control block (PCB): a data structure
- To keep track of the state of a process and the information that should be maintained when the process switches between CPUs
- includes:
- Process state
- Program counter
- CPU registers
- registers
- stack pointer
- CPU scheduling info
- process priority
- pointer to scheduling queue
- Memory-management info
- limit of memory boundary
- Accounting info
- Process ID
- CPU time used
- I/O status info
- list of opened files
- Queues in OS:
- Job queue
- Ready queue
- Device queues
- Scheduler: to select the process to be served when it is waiting for different services
- Long-term scheduler (job scheduler)
- admission to ready queue?
- makes decision to maintain a good mix of CPU-bound and I/O bound processes
- It controls the degree of multi-programming (number of processes protentially competing for CPU) before process admission
- Medium-term scheduler
- to swap process in/out of ready queue
- It controls the degree of multi-programming after process admission
- Short-term scheduler (CPU scheduler)
- allocation of CPU
- CPU scheduling
- Context switching
- Sequence of events to bring CPU from an executing process to another
- save state & load state
- driven by "time-up" interrupt
- "overhead": time-consuming and useless
- Process creation (by another process)
- Procedure:
- create a new process
- load the code into the process
- run
- Parent-child relationship:
- Resource sharing:
- Parent and children share all resources
- Children share subset of parent's resources
- Parent and children share no resources
- Execution:
- (asynchronously) concurrently
- (synchronously) Parent waits until all children terminate
- Address space
- Each child duplicates that of parent.
- Each child has an independent program loaded into it.
- In Unix/Linux:
- Resource sharing: none
- Execution: concurrently
- Address space:
: Child duplicates that of parent.exec()
(after forking): Child has an independent program loaded into it.- Parent should
for a child to collect it. - Process hierarchy:
- Process termination
- Zombie process: a process that has terminated, but whose parent has not yet called
- Orphan process: a process without a parent
- Some OS allow a child process to continue after parent terminates, others don't.
- Non-zero return value: an error
- Process cooperation
- Types of process:
- Independent process: cannot affect or be affected by execution of other processes
- cooperating process
- Common app: web server & web browser
- Reasons:
- Infomation sharing
- Computation speed-up
- Modularity
- Convenience: model a user in concurrent working mode
- Interprocess communication (IPC)
- Shared memory system:
- by reading / writing to shared variables
- may make data inconsistent
- Message passing system:
- (Preferred) by passing information without using shared variables
- Operations:
- establish a physical / logical communication link
- send / receive message
- Synchronization
- ensures the orderly execution of cooperating processes that share a logical address space to guarantee data consistency
- requests processes to wait for the signal to go ahead, to avoid the race condition
- Thread
A child process could be the parent of another process, and a tree or hierarchy of processes could be formed.
- Interprocess Communication
- allow processes to communicate and to synchronize
- Application:
- Data transfer and sharing
- Event notification
- Resource sharing
- Process control
- Synchronization
- Mechanisms:
- Message passing
- Issues:
- How are links established?
- Direct / Indirect link?
- A link for more than 2 processes?
- How many links between every pair of processes?
- capacity of link?
- message size: fixed or variable?
- uni-directional / bi-directional?
- Mechanisms:
- Direct communication:
- Processes must name each other explicitly
- Exactly one link for one pair of processes, usually bi-directional
- Established automatically
- Indirect communication:
- Mailbox (port): for messages to be directed and received
- Unique identifiers for each
- Processes share a common mailbox → Link established
- One link → many processes
- one pair of processes → several links
- unidirectional or bi-directional
- Operations:
- Create a new mailbox
- send / receive messages
- Destroy a mailbox
- Synchronization between sender and receiver:
- Key issue (?) : Message passing may be either blocking or non-blocking
- Blocking (synchronous):
- Blocking send:
- Sender is blocked until the previous message is received
- Blocking receive:
- Receiver is blocked until sender sends a new message
- Non-blocking (asynchronous):
- Non-blocking send:
- allows sender to send without blocking
- Non-blocking receive:
- allows receiver to receive:
- a valid message;
- null if message is not available
- Buffering: a queue on the link to store outstanding messages
- Key issue (?) : Sender may have sent several messages but receiver has not read them
- Capacity implementation:
- Zero capacity:
- No buffer
- Sender must wait for receiver
- Bounded capacity
- Limited buffer
- Sender must wait if queue is full
- Unbounded capacity
- Unlimited buffer
- No waiting
- Shared memory
- difficult when over the network or individual memory modules with CPU (meaning?)
- Implementation:
- IPC package: sets up a data structure* in kernel space
- persistent: continue to exist until being removed
- System calls for IPC:
- Creation / Deletion
- Writing / Reading
- Shared memory mechanism:
- Not practical: With protection, a process can only access its own memory space → cannot share between processes
- In UNIX/Linux:
- able to create shared memory segments within kernel memory space via special system calls
- Pthread: share memory naturally within the same process
- Message passing machanism
- Pipe: a unidirectional, FIFO, unstructured data stream
- Characteristics:
- a buffer allocated within kernel
- (?) Some plumbing is required to use a pipe
- Fixed max size
- No data type being transferred
- Very simple flow control
- Broadcast unsupported
- Types:
- Unnamed pipe
- created via
- Two file descriptors:
: read-end of piperead()
: write-end of pipewrite()
- Each end could be closed by
- Pipe between parent and child:
- two pipes for bi-directional communication
- Named pipe
- Socket: conceptually looks like a named pipe.
- CPU Scheduling
- Ready queue: the set of processes in memory that are ready to execute
- CPU scheduler (Short-term scheduler):
- Aim: maximize CPU utilization in presence of multi-programming
- Components:
- Scheduler: selects one from the ready queue
- Dispatcher: allocates the CPU to the selected one
- Procedure:
- Perform context switching
- Switch to user mode
- Resume the program
- Dispatch latency: overhead
- Decisions may take place when a process
- running → waiting (for I/O)
- running → terminated
- non-preemptive scheduling
- running → ready
- waiting → ready
- preemptive scheduling (forced taken of CPU)
- Consideration:
- CPU utilization
- Throughput
- Turnaround time
- Waiting time
- Response time
- Algorithms:
- First Come First Serve
- equivalent to:
- RR scheduling when q → ∞
- Priority scheduling when priority is process arrival time
- Shortest Job First
- optimal for non-preemptive scheduling:
- Shortest avg. waiting time
- Shortest avg. turnaround time
- equivalent to:
- Priority scheduling when priority is CPU burst time
- Shortest Remaining Time
- preemptive version of SJF
- optimal for preemptive scheduling
- Priority
- Windows convention:
- Linux convention:
- Problem: starvation for low-priority process
- Round Robin
- Advantage:
- avoid starvation
- better response time
- Disadvantage:
- higher turnaround time
- q small: excessive context switching
- Multi-Level Queue
- Aim: handle a job mix with different needs
- Common queues:
- System queue (Priority)
- Interactive queue (RR)
- Batch queue (FCFS/SRT)
- Multi-Level Feedback Queue
- allow process to move between queues if necessary
- Parameters:
- Number of queues
- Scheduling algorithms for each queue
- Method used to determine when to upgrade a process to a higher priority queue
- Method used to determine when to downgrade a process to a lower priority queue
- Method used to determine which queue a process should enter when that process needs CPU
- Convoy effect:
- Real-time Scheduling (NOT COVERED)
Number of process completing execution per time unit.
Largest value → first
Smallest value → first
several small processes have to wait for one big process
- Memory Management: manage & protect
- 3 stages of address binding:
- Compile time
- If memory location is known ahead
- Logical address === Physical address
- Load time
- Address are defined after loaded
- Logical address === Physical address
- Run time (required to be supported)
- If a process can be moved during execution
- Hardware support for dynamic address mapping is required: base (or relocation) and limit (or length) registers
- Logical address (or virtual address) !== Physical address
- Memory Management Unit (MMU):
- hardware device that maps virtual to physical address dynamically
- base + offset (0 <= offset < limit)
- Memory Allocation:
- Partitions of main memory:
- Low memory: resident OS, interrupt vector and interrupt handlers
- High memory: user processes (concerned)
- Methods:
- Contiguous allocation:
- allocate a single block of memory to hold a process
- Non-contiguous allocation:
- allocate multiple blocks of memory to hold a process
- Major memory management schemes:
- Paging
- Segmentation
- Contiguous allocation:
- MFT: Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks
- MAX(COUNT(running jobs)) === COUNT(partitions) --which is fixed
- MVT: Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks
- "Hole": a block of available memory
- Mechanism:
- First-fit: allocate the first hole which is big enough
- Best-fit: allocate the smallest hole which is big enough
- Produce the smallest leftover hole
- Worst-fit: allocate the largest hole
- Produce the largest leftover hole
- normally performs worst
- Major problem: Fragmentation
- External fragmentation: When
- Total memory space is enough, but
- Holes are not contiguous → not usable
- Solution: compaction
- To move holes together
- Possible only if relocation is dynamic
- Applicable for Segmentation
- Internal fragmentation: When
- Memory inside partitions are not used
- Applicable for Paging
- Non-contiguous allocation
- Frame: fixed-sized blocks in physical memory
- Frame table: to keep track of all free frames
- Page: blocks of same size as frames in logical memory
- Page table: to translate logical address (page number) to physical address (frame number)
- One for each process
- Page-table base register (PTBR): points to the page table for a process
- Page-table length register (PTLR): indicates the size of a page table
- Used to check for validity of a logical address
- Solutions to avoid large page table:
- Hierarchical paging
- Hashed page table (NOT COVERED)
- Inverted page table (NOT COVERED)
- Cache between tranlation path: Tranlation Look-aside Buffer (TLB)
- p = TLB hit ratio (0 <= p <= 1)
- cache access time << memory access time
- Performance measurement: Effective Access Time
- Valid-invalid bit with each page:
- Valid: the page is in process' logical address space and is a legal page
- Invalid: the page is not in logical address space.
- trap generated
- MAX(page number) >= MAX(frame number)
- Logical address = (page number, offset)
- Unit of page offset: Byte
- Shared pages: same frames in different page tables
- SEGMENTATION: variable-length paging
- supports user view of memory with segments
- Logical address = (segment number, offset)
- Segment table entry:
- Base
- Limit (length)
- Valid bit
- Access privilege bits
- Memory allocation: FF, BF, WF
- Segment-table base register (STBR): points to the segment table for a process
- Segment-table length register (STLR): indicates the number of segments used by a process
- Segmentation with Paging (NOT COVERED)
= tranlation time + memory access time
= cache access time + (1 - p) * memory access time + memory access time
= cache access time + (2 - p) * memory access time
n = log(frame size)
f = log(physical memory size / frame size)
1 byte = 8 bits
- Virtual Memory
- Solution when needed memory is more than physical memory:
- Overlay: break a program into stages… (NOT COVERED)
- Virtual Memory
- Physical memory: only currently executing part
- Logical address space to be stored on the disk: an extension of real physical memory
- Allow sharing of memory
- Possible implementations:
- Paging
- Segmentation
- Memory map: translate virtual address to physical address
- When to bring a page from disk into memory:
- Demand paging: [in-time] do when the page is needed
- Effective use of I/O resource
- Process must wait when loading pages
- Most implemented
- Advantages:
- Less I/O needed
- Less physical memory needed
- Relatively good response
- Can support more users
- Anticipatory paging: [ahead-of-time] do when the page will be needed in near future
- I/O would be wasted when prediction is wrong
- No need to wait for page loading
- Reference: an access to the address within a page.
- Invalid reference: when accessing outside the address space
- Pager: swapper that swap pages
- Valid-invalid bit of pages: page is in physical memory?
- Valid: Yes
- Invalid: generate a page fault
- Page fault handler:
- If reference is beyond logical address space: segmentation fault error
- Else: ask pager to swap
- Find the location of the needed page on disk
- Get an empty frame from frame table
- If frame table is empty: use a page replacement algorithm to select a victim frame
- Write victim frame to disk if modified
- Load the needed page on disk into the free frame
- Update the page table and frame information for both the new and the victim page (if any).
- Update the new page table entry to point to the loaded frame
- Set the valid-invalid bit of the new page table entry to be valid
- Set the valid-invalid bit of the victim page table entry to be invalid
- Return from page fault handler and resume the user process generating the page fault
- Initially all invalid
- p = page fault rate (0 <= p <= 1)
- Performance measurement: Effective Access Time
- Page replacement: the action of finding a frame in memory to be removed in order to admit a newly needed page
- Issues:
- Which page to remove?
- not been modified (because no need to save back to disk)
- Could a process remove pages of another one?
- Local page replacement: seek within its own set of frames
- Global page replacement: seek within all frames of all processes
- Save removed pages back to disk?
- Only when modified
- Indicator: Dirty bit
- Goal: to generate smallest number of page faults
- Common algorithms:
- First In First Out
- Victim: The earliest page admitted
- Implementation: circular queue
- Optimal: predict
- Victim: the page which will not be used for the longest period of time in future
- Used as a benchmark
- Least Recently Used: mirror of Optimal
- Victim: the page which has not been used for the longest period of time in the past
- Perform well; most popular
- Implementaion:
- Counter: one for each page entry
- When referenced: Copy the clock value into counter
- Victim: the page with smallest value in counter
- Problems:
- Storage overhead
- Search is needed
- Stack
- When referenced: move the page to the top of stack
- Victim: the page at the bottom of stack
- Problem: operation overhead
- Approximation (NOT COVERED)
- Performance measurement: number of page faults
- Reference string: only page numbers of references
- Allocation of (numbers of free) frames
- Fixed allocation:
- Equal allocation
- Proportional allocation: in proportion of the size of the process
- Only local page replacement
- Variable allocation:
- Allow the allocated number of frames vary over time
- More page faults → more frames
- Both local page replacement and global page replacement can be used
EAT = (1 - p) * memory access time + p * page fault service time
Page fault service time = page fault overhead + time to swap the page in + restart overhead
- Deadlock
- Livelock: can be resolved if lucky
- Resource model of OS:
- Resource: an object which is capable of being used
- Steps to use a resource:
- Request
- Wait until granted
- Use
- Release
- Resource type: R
- Resource instance of a type: W
- Types of deadlock:
- Resource deadlock
- A set of blocked processes, each holding a resource and waiting to acquire a resource held by another process in the set
- Communication deadlock
- A set of processes are waiting for a message to be sent from processes within the set, or an event to be triggered by the set
- Characterization of deadlock (necessary conditions):
- Mutual exclusion
- Hold and wait
- No preemption
- Circular wait
- Resource allocation graph:
- Cycle is only a necessary condition of a deadlock
- Algorithm:
- Deadlock prevention: To "ensure" deadlock never happens.
- Attack the condition of "Circular wait":
- Order all resource types with a number
- Each process can only request resources in an increasing order of resource number
- Deadlock avoidance: use additional info
- Additional info: Maximum number of resources of each type that it may need
- Unsafe state: a possibility of deadlock
- if NO safe sequence exists
- Safe state (to be ensured): no deadlock
- if safe sequence exists
- Property of safe sequences:
- Banker's Algorithm
- Assumption:
- Declare the maximum use of resources before hand
- When request, it may have to wait
- When get all its resources, it must return them in a finite amount of time
- Request_i: Need_i → Allocation_i
- Deadlock detection: after-hand
- Wait-for graph checking when each resource has only one instance:
- Wait-for graph: condensed form of a resource allocation graph
- Deadlock: iff a cycle in wait-for graph
- Banker's algorithm otherwise
Do not allocate the resource if a cyle is produced
The resources that each process can still request can be satisfied by
currently available resources plus resources currently held by all
preceding processes.
Available -= Request_i
- Process Synchronization
- Synchronization: the mechanism that ensures the orderly execution of cooperating processes.
- Race condition: no synchronization
- Producer/comsumer problem:
- Solutions:
- Shared variable
- Critical section
- Critical section problem
- Critial section: shared resource of multiple concurrent processes
- Properties of solutions:
- Mutual exclusion:
- Progress
- Bounded waiting
- Solution: Peterson's algorithm (for only two processes)
- 3 bowls
- Semaphore: solution of busy waiting
- Types:
- Binary semaphore
- Counting semaphore
- Operations (atomic):
- P(S): wait
- V(S): signal
- Remark:
: place the process on the waiting listwakeup()
: move an appropriate process from the waiting list to the ready queue
at most one process could be in CS
at least one process could enter CS
no starvation
Implementation: (S as a queue)